Tag Archives: offline recruiting

Free Classified Ads On The Internet

Using free classified ads on the internet is probably one of the most overlooked ways of increasing the traffic on any website. Even though this internet marketing strategy is quite popular, marketers are not always confident about its effectiveness. Aside from being a truthful fact, ...Read More

8 Pros and Cons of Software Engineer Contract Work You May Not Be Aware Of

From September 2008 to March 2010, contract work increased 2% and part time jobs increased 16%, while temporary, permanent and full-time positions decreased significantly (-19%, -36%, -4% respectively). Read on to discover why software engineer contract work may prove to be a safer, smarter career ...Read More

Network Marketing Do’s And Don’ts For Anyone And Everyone

Internet marketing is a unique success that just keeps getting better and growing. Your business can use internet marketing to grow as well. You can increase traffic and interest in your business with the world wide web. This article can help you understand the possibilities ...Read More

16 Ways to Market Your Home Jewelry Party Business

Do you sell jewelry through home jewelry parties? If so, you already know how important it is to recruit new hosts for your home jewelry party business.

1. Hand out business cards freely. Make sure you have a separate business card promoting your jewelry home party ...Read More

Real Estate Agents 101 – So You Wanna Be an Agent, Do You?

People will always need places to live. As such the real estate market has been around in some form or another for a long time, and is likely to be around for much longer. Because most people will buy or sell at least ...Read More

Top Internet Money Making Ideas To Choose From

Does the corporate world bore you already? Are you thinking of quitting but do not have a plan how to earn an income? Does your current 9-5 job punish you every day? The internet has a lot of ways and ...Read More

The 10 Most Common Mistakes Insurance Agents Make

Problem #1

Prospects have more sales resistance training than agents usually have in sales presentation skill.

Prospect response to insurance agents is designed to get as much information as possible and be in control of the situation. Prospects often mislead insurance agents about their intentions, how much ...Read More

Top 24 Things Every Junior Copywriter Should Know


An ad is more than just a visual or headline. There has to be a concept behind it. Know how to tell the difference between what is an idea and what isn’t.


Call to action: What do you want them to do? You ...Read More

Understanding H2O At Home: Can You Really Make Money With H2O At Home?

H2O At Home is a direct sales company founded in 1997. They started off in France and opened shop in the USA in 2009. They offer clean, non-toxic, eco-friendly related products for a variety of purposes. Additionally, they offer a business opportunity for entrepreneurs looking ...Read More

Amazon Affiliate Program and the Pros and Cons

The Amazon affiliate program is very popular among affiliate s, and for good reason. There’s a huge range of products to promote, from books, to movies, electronics and much more. Just about every niche has a place in ...Read More