Tag Archives: offline recruiting

The Making of a Multi-Million Dollar Insurance Salesperson

Every sales person or sales agent fantasizes about becoming a millionaire. This is how one individual became a Multi Million Dollar Insurance Salesperson.

Over half the insurance agents recruited earn less than $50,000 before making a quick exist. So how do you make a million dollars, ...Read More

Viral Marketing and Its Types of Campaigns

Viral marketing is today's popular and very frequently used marketing strategy that relates largely to individuals rather than traditional campaigns to pass along a message to others. Basically, viral marketing and viral advertising use pre-existing social networks to generate exponential improvements in ...Read More

Planning Your New Employee Orientation Program

A successful New Employee Orientation Program:

  • takes time to develop
  • uses a systematic approach to gathering information
  • is supported by top management
  • is a single, yet readily customizable program

The key points to remember about well-planned program are:

Successful orientation programs take time to develop. This is not an over-night or ...Read More

The Advantages of eLearning

Technology has revolutionized business; now it must revolutionize learning.

In the 21st century, people have to learn more than ever before. Especially for global organizations, live classroom-based training is becoming too costly and cumbersome. Even if employees had the time to attend all the courses and ...Read More

Planning Your Email Marketing

Your best chance of success with email marketing is to create a plan based on the products that you want to promote. It all starts with your product funnel, which leads to your content marketing plan, which ...Read More

Can You Juggle a Baby and Being a Mommy Real Estate Agent?

Many pregnant women and moms of young babies start to think about finding a career that will bring them the opportunity of decent money while also being flexible enough to allow for spending time with the baby. And real estate seems to combine that potential ...Read More

Social Media Optimization to Improve Online Visibility

Social web is the new buzzword and every organization across industries is embracing it as the new distribution channel for its intellectual assets. It does not matter if you are in the creative business, marketing, or into IT, the social Web is an amazing medium ...Read More

The Importance of Personal Development in Network Marketing

Personal development is a important part of life for anyone wanting to achieve anything which they have not achieved before. Personal development helps us become the person necessary to achieve the results you desire in your Multi Level Marketing home biz. In Multi Level Marketing ...Read More

The 1st 100 Days in Your New Sales Territory: A 2012 Example

When interviewing for a new sales position it is often suggested that the candidate present a “1st 100 Days” plan of action. I recently presented such a plan before being hired as a new Territory Sales Manager in 2012. By the end of my “1st ...Read More

Characteristics of Telemarketing

Telemarketing has become a new trend in the world of business as a way to directly market products and services to customers. Telemarketing is popular because it involves the use of information technology applied to the development of businesses.

Telemarketing forces marketing professionals to learn more ...Read More