Tag Archives: offline recruiting

My Million Dollar Online Marketing Mistake

The biggest mistake I ever made in my online marketing career cost me 1 million dollars.

How did this happen?

I squandered an asset that produces $ 60,000 in annual income. If you take that 1 million dollars ...Read More

Five Power Closing Techniques for Insurance and Financial Advisors

So, you have made it through the prospecting game. You made your cold calls, sent out your mass mortgage mailers, invited people to your coffee-sponsored seminars, you qualified responders as being serious prospects and have set the appointment.

Now what? You have ...Read More

Selecting Niches For Marketing Your Handyman Business

Whether you are new to the handyman business or you’ve been in it for a while, one thing you really cannot do is label yourself simply “handyman.” Going into niches is a critically important marketing task because you cannot be all things to all people. ...Read More

How to Promote Your MLM Business Offline

With all the on line promoting of your MLM business and generating MLM leads for yourself on line, having an off line marketing strategy to promote your business should be part of your overall marketing plan as well. ...Read More

Importance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) In Our Daily Life

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has an important role in the world since we are now in the information age era. With ICT, the company can make the business easier to happen with the client, supplier and the distributor. It is also very important in ...Read More

Why a Good Bartender Has the Skills to Be a Good Real Estate Agent

Some people do begin their real estate careers right after high school or college, but most come to real estate after doing something else. Some have retired, and other are just looking for a change of pace.

When writing agent bios I always look at those ...Read More

Simple Accounting For The Small Business – Bookkeeping Using A Simple Spreadsheet Template

Starting a small business out of your home, offering products or services like business consulting, photography, selling on the web or a MLM? You are now faced with tracking all your expenses and revenues for your business and you certainly don’t have the money ...Read More

How to Make Money Online Fast With the Right Method

You definitely can make money online fast with the right method, provided you can add the "secret sauce."

I challenge you to buy any one product on making money online that does not conclude the product set up section with these ...Read More

The Seven O’s of Sales – The Intentional Experience

So, when it came to developing my unique approach to sales – given the situation I was in with most all of my clients – I already had a very good idea about what needed to be done. By now, most of the material was ...Read More

The Post-Interview Thank You Letter: Getting It Right

It’s amazing how many job-seekers don’t know about the essential post-interview thank you letter. When companies have interviewed several talented candidates, the thank-you letter is an easy way to separate wheat from chaff. In other words, failing to send a thank-you letter can, all by ...Read More