Tag Archives: offline recruiting

Positives and Negatives of Business Networking Groups

Positives: Points In Favor Of Business Networking Groups:

1. You have the opportunity to develop some solid business allies and affiliations. This could work for you because you are now meeting regularly with a group of individuals who know who you are, what you do, and ...Read More

National Marketing Companies – The 3rd Rail of Insurance

Many people are fully aware of insurance agents and brokers and what they do. They meet with clients and explain potential coverage and service existing business. People also know who and what insurance companies are. When you sign the dotted line, you are purchasing coverage ...Read More

4 Benefits of Optimizing Business Websites for Mobile

Use of mobile phones has dramatically increased over the past few years. In addition to this, the internet has made it a lot easier for people to reach the world. Now mobile devices are not just about calling and texting. ...Read More

5Linx Compensation Plan – Revealing the Truth About Getting Paid With This Plan

Have you read through the 5Linx compensation plan? My guess is you have because you’re searching for information that will explain it a little more clearly. It’s a very complex plan that many people struggle to get their heads around. This article will provide you ...Read More

A Ten Year Insider’s Review of Market America – Pros and Cons

My review of Market America comes from firsthand experience. I spent 10 years of my life investing time and energy into Market America as an independent “Unfranchise” owner at the Professional Coordinator level. I was a certified trainer, internet certified trainer, motives consultant and a ...Read More

The Benefits of Creating A Passive Income

When it comes to making money, no matter what business you’re in, passive income is a great thing. This means that you will be receiving paychecks, even when you’re not working. There are few businesses that can thrive without this. In regards to online businesses, ...Read More

Telesales Magic 101 – Tips on Asking Questions in Your Telesales and Telemarketing Calls

The telesales professional with the ability to ask probing questions will be the most sought after professional in the telesales world. One of the distinguishing qualities of top sellers is their skill in handling their customers effectively by asking probing questions in order to get ...Read More

Charity Marketing Or Cause Related Marketing – Pros and Cons

The holiday spending season is gone and while retailers are crunching the numbers, so are the non-profit organizations. Businesses joining with charitable groups, as a marketing maneuver, started back in the 70’s and has grown exponentially ever since…and for good reason.

One of the first such ...Read More

What’s the Difference Between Consulting and Consultative Selling?

How Do You Close a Consultative Sales Conversation?

I asked that question the other day on LinkedIn.com under the category of small business development.

I was looking for an exchange of ideas about sales skills. Unexpectedly, I heard from a number of consultants (not sales consultants) saying ...Read More

Twitter Vs Facebook – Which One Leads to More Sales?

One of the least understood but most often used marketing tools these days is social media. Thousands of businesses are joining social networks each and every day and why not.? They are low cost and can be highly effective to help ...Read More