Tag Archives: offline recruiting

Four Ways to Cooperate With Other Businesses to Grow Your Business

Many small business owners spend a lot of time, effort and money doing things to grow their business that could be done more effectively in conjunction with another business. By this, I mean forming partnerships with other businesses can not only improve a small business’ ...Read More

Sales – Be Aware of the 90 Day Rule

In sales and marketing, as in life, there are certain rules that are true in most situations.

There is the 80/20 rule. It says that 80% of the results generally comes from 20% of the activity that you do. Or 80% of the sales come from ...Read More

The Pros and Cons of Offering Discounts and Incentives in a Tough Economy

Salespeople are faced with the daily choice of short-term pain versus long-term gain. Rather than relying on confidence in their ability to effectively communicate the full value of their products and services, inexperienced salespeople will begin to offer discounts, price concessions and incentives in order ...Read More

Work From Home, Online Employment

Working from home on the internet provides users with the convenience and job security they require. A home job that is done on the internet can be what you need to get you started on a career path that will lead to job satisfaction and ...Read More

How To Edify Network Marketing Leaders

One skill that most people need to get better at is knowing how to define your network marketing leaders. Editing is essential to you building a team that respects and cares for each other. What is edification, you ask?

...Read More

Starting A Tutoring Business – Top 7 Questions and Answers

It seems that no matter where people live, they still have many of the same concerns and issues when starting up a new business venture and this is certainly true in the tutoring industry. There is an ever-increasing demand for supplemental education providers in most ...Read More

A Third Party Life Shotz Review You Need To Read Before Joining

So there’s yet another company inside the network marketing industry creating some buzz. The company is called Life Shotz and if you’re reading this you’re probably thinking about joining. Before you do, I want to encourage you to read this entire third party Life Shotz ...Read More

Why Has Social Networking Grown So Fast in Popularity?

So What Makes Social Networking So Attractive To The Online Community?

What used to make them popular was the sheer ease in which they allowed for communication. Originally that is just about all these social web services were actually good for. People would log in and ...Read More

Cold Calling – Marketing to Your Hit List

In most companies, cold calling means calling any list of prospects that you have any hope at all of selling at any time in the future. Although you can market like that, here is a better way.

If you go through your list of past customers, ...Read More

The Definition of Sales – Professional Selling Defined

Before I define professional selling. Let’s look at some of the related professions. Below are some definitions of professions/occupations that relate to professional selling from Wikipedia:

  • Marketing is defined as an ongoing process of planning and executing the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) for products, ...Read More