Tag Archives: mlm

How To Succeed, And Fail, At Internet Marketing

What are the key issues which can ensure success (or failure) in the field of internet marketing?

All successful people in any walk of life have a plan. I read once that all business plans should have goals which are “SMART” – that is: Specific, Measurable, ...Read More

Carwash Marketing and Customer Retention – Back to Basics

Creating marketing and promotions that work are a great challenge for car wash owners and operators. The fundamental problem that many car washes run into is that they will never generate the level of customer loyalty that they are hoping for unless they meet the ...Read More

How B2B Portals Are Useful in Promoting Your Business?

In today’s time and age, when everything is digitized and globalized, there’s no reason for your business to stay backwards. In order to take your business, a step ahead, you need to have good promotion and marketing not only for your end-users but also for ...Read More

Do It Yourself Yellow Letter Marketing

Yellow Letter Marketing Defined

Yellow letters are a widely proclaimed marketing technique that boasts a 10-15% response rate. The premise is to hand-write a letter in red ink on yellow paper offering to buy or sell a product or service. Since this technique uses invitation style ...Read More

Online Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Professionals

Whether you are a solo real estate professional or you own or manage a real estate group, you will need to define the best online marketing strategy to find customers interested in the real estate property or services you are selling and target those who ...Read More

The Fundamental Role of Marketing In Business

One of the things that I think most people in the marketing world take for granted is that everybody understands the fundamental role of marketing in business. Through my daily interactions with other business owners over the past several years, however, I have been amazed ...Read More

How to Become Financially Wealthy in the Insurance Industry!

When I started out selling in insurance, I never dreamed I would get to the level of income that I enjoy today. As in most professional sales careers, when you perfect your sales and prospecting techniques, your ability to earn a ...Read More

The Effects of Compensation on Employees Work Performance

HRM strives to achieve organizational goals and the goals of employees through effective personnel programs policies and procedures. Successful performances of the personnel function can greatly enhance the bottom line of any organization. The personnel practitioners however are challenged more today than at any time ...Read More

The Benefits With Having A Desire To Succeed

It is not always necessary to have the absolute knowledge and skills when we are talking about making things happening and creating success for ourselves in our online business A major key to success is having a big desire to become successful and visualizing our ...Read More

Top Ten Biggest International Marketing Mistakes of All Time

1. When Parker Pen marketed a ballpoint pen in Mexico, its ads were supposed to have read, “It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you.” Instead, the company thought that the word “embarazar” (to impregnate) meant to embarrass, so the ad read: “It won’t ...Read More