Tag Archives: Instagram

How the San Diego Zoo’s Joan Embery Became Famous

The epitaph on my tombstone may well read: He hired animal-handler Joan Embery as the San Diego Zoo’s ambassador and set her on the road to fame.

I spent 50 years in a colorful PR and journalism career. But my naming Joan ...Read More

Is Running A Painting Business Seasonal?

I was just eavesdropping in on someone’s conversation this morning who just started their own painting business but complains that it is a bit slow. Someone else remarked saying that “they didn’t want to burst their bubble but painting is seasonal”.

Well, ...Read More

Cricket Score LIVE, LIVE Scorecard, Ball by Ball Commentary – Review of the Top 10 Websites

So, you are looking for a website which offers LIVE Cricket score updates and Ball by Ball I have compiled a list of the TOP 10  websites on the Internet that specialise in providing a LIVE update service.

After reviewing 100 websites, ...Read More

The Good And The Bad Of Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising is a type of online advertising commonly used for content-based websites. With contextual advertising, targeted ads appear based on the page’s actual content.

First, a contextual advertising system scans the text of a webpage for keyword phrases. Then, the system ...Read More

Attract Girls Online: Transform Your Facebook Profile to a Girl Magnet!

Are you frustrated over not getting any girls online? Tired of sending countless messages without receiving a reply? There are so many beautiful women out there with real profiles waiting to be approached. Most of these women who are online are ...Read More

How to Choose a Good Newsletter Name

Good newsletter names are usually 2-4 words. If shorter, they can’t explain what your newsletter is about, and if longer, they will be hard to remember.

When choosing a name for your newsletter, make sure its abbreviation is suitable. For example if ...Read More

The Market Is Hungry for Information Based Products – What Are You Waiting for?

When thinking of starting a business, people think of products that sell fast, like food. Even if there are a lot of food businesses out there, a new food business is what people usually think the market is hungry for. But ...Read More

Music Blogs – How Unsigned Artists Are Converting MP3s to Cash

In 1999, when file sharing sites like Napster started to become popular, the music industry was a thriving market with over $14.5 billion in annual U.S. sales alone. Fast forward to today and music sales have declined by nearly 50%-a catastrophic ...Read More

The Top 10 Law of Attraction Teachers – Real Masters of Manifesting

Learning how to manifest your desires is easy when you start with a excellent teacher. Here are the top 10 law of attraction teachers that I recommend to my clients and students. Each of them offers a slightly different take on ...Read More

Best Digital Marketing Tips for an Improved Online Presence

Whether you are a vast entity or a private venture that is searching for approaches to expand and grow, digital marketing can prove to be useful in doing all the work for your brand. Promoting on the web is endlessly unique ...Read More