Tag Archives: Blogging

Improving Your Persuasive Skills – Establishing Credibility

A lot of affiliate marketing persuaders do their best to improve their persuasive skills so that they can get what they want easily. I’m going to help you improve your persuasive skills through these suggestions that I am going to give ...Read More

Characteristics of a Good Video

Videos usually appeal to both the visual and audio senses of an individual so it would be mandatory that when making one, it should at least engage these two senses to attract the their attention and to deliver the message that ...Read More

Appropriate Account Types For YouTube Video Marketing

One effective way to increase your popularity and eventually profitability is to do video marketing the YouTube way. And how will you be able to do that? First you need to organize the kinds of videos you intend to popularize or ...Read More


Co-branding involves combining two or more brands into a single product or service. Companies engage in co-branding to leverage strong brand. It is becoming a popular business practice to strive for a positive association between different brands that can develop synergy. ...Read More

5 Reasons Why Twitter Has Become a Very Popular Site

Twitter is the new poster child for social media. Time Magazine considered it to be the social media application that will change our lives-in 140 characters or less. When Twitter started in 2006, it was only meant to be used by ...Read More

The Importance Of Social Media In Affiliate Marketing

Unless you’re made of money there’s only so much you can do with PPC advertising alone. Eventually then affiliate marketing comes down to being able to promote your website and your brand and to reach a wider audience. This means leveraging ...Read More

Is Snapshot the Next Facebook?

Nowadays technology is moving so fast that it is essential for the leading players to keep up to date otherwise they will be overtaken by one of the emerging companies. One of the newer companies is Snapchat and people are asking ...Read More

Search Engine Optimizer (SEO) – Proposed Scope of Work to Use in Hiring an SEO

Are you planning on hiring an SEO but have no idea of how to properly choose one? Here is a proposed Scope of Work that will allow you to engage them in intelligent questions to understand what they will do for ...Read More

The Numerous Benefits of SEO Services

There are numerous benefits of SEO services and using SEO services provided by a professional and experienced SEO company can help your business to scale new heights in online marketing and search engine rankings. Search engine optimization services are customizable and ...Read More

SEO Keyword Research Tips For Yoga Studio Businesses

SEO can be broken down into 2 main categories – on-page and off-page, also called on-site and off-site SEO. This article focuses on on-page SEO for a yoga business such as a yoga studio to improve a yoga business marketing campaign.

What ...Read More