Tag Archives: Attraction Marketing

Business Needs: Importance of Social Media Analytics

Social media analytics, the process of analyzing social media content as well as data to provide insight from the millions of conversations. It is primarily useful for brands that wish to know about what the market or customers are saying about ...Read More

Top 10 Social Media Apps Which Gained Immense Attention in the Year 2016

Social media is a great way to interact with people and share your interests, thought, and likings. Over the years since the day internet launched, apps like this have been floating around like anything. All kind of apps from daily life ...Read More

The Birth of Internet Crime

The birth of the internet has transformed the world as we know it. It has clearly grown to astronomic proportions since it became a household name in the mid 1990’s. If you were born before 1980, you have watched the world ...Read More

How to Optimize Your Website for Local Search

13 Strategies to SEO Optimize Your Local Business Website

If you run a store-front business or offer a service that is within a specific local-based geographic area, then you will want to focus your marketing efforts on getting in front ...Read More

Advantages of SEO Content Writing

No matter what type of business you own, if you have an online presence through a website, then it is important to take it to the top of search engines to boost up its visibility. By having your site appear on ...Read More

Submit Your URL to Chinese Search Engines

It is certainly true that the Internet is dominated by the English language – it has been estimated that 75% of all Internet pages worldwide are written in English. But surprise, surprise – the world’s No. 1 language in terms of ...Read More

Social Media Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Brand And Business

1. Being Oblivious to Criticism

It is not possible all the time to get positive comments on your content. Negative feedback is usual. However, you should never ignore it.

A few Companies/Brands have their strategy to easily get rid of negative comments. Others ...Read More

Top 10 Sweet 16 Party Must Haves

A sweet sixteen is a monumental milestone in a young woman’s life. Sweet 16 videography and Mtv made the sweet sixteen larger than life by elaborate over the top parties at some of the most amazing venues. There’s amazing amount of ...Read More

How Much Does A Video Biography Cost?

I am going to let you in on some pricing secrets in relation to video biographies or “family history documentaries”, as they are sometimes known. How much should you expect to pay and what can you hope to get for your ...Read More

Book Length – Average Length of a Non Fiction Book

One of the questions that new writers always ask is “How long should my non-fiction book be?” In this article I’m going to attempt to answer that question.

However, part of the reason that new writers find it difficult to pin down ...Read More