Tag Archives: Attraction Marketing

Is Criticism A Good Thing?

It always seems like in whatever you do, people will always have something to tell you. There are times that they will admire you and there are times that they will criticize you. People are quick to say words that won’t ...Read More

The Best Food to Feed a Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons make wonderful pets. They are active during the day, and when adult are large enough to be allowed to roam around the house for limited periods (that is, until they start getting cold) without any fears of them disappearing ...Read More

Top 10 Swipe File Ads and Sales Letters For New Copywriters

One question new copywriters often ask is, “what are the best swipe file ads?”

It’s a good question, too — especially since swiping the wrong ads can often do you far more harm than good.

My opinion on this is, I don’t really ...Read More

Aweber Paid Autoresponder or Listwire Free Autoresponder?

Autoresponders are special software that respond to emails automatically. These tools are used for email marketing campaigns and to market your products. An important thing to keep in mind while designing this software is to prevent the emails from going into ...Read More

Commercial and Retail Property Leasing – How to Be Pitching for a Landlords Listing

In investment property the landlords that own premises always require leasing assistance. Rarely will they turn down the offer of a genuine tenant at a market rent. For this reason, if you as a real estate agent focus on the control ...Read More

11 Key Personality Characteristics of Successful People – Do You Have What it Takes?

(This is Part 1 of a series of articles on the Success Mindset – the personality characteristics of successful people (part 1), and the ‘behaviors’ (part 2) you can adopt and make your common daily practice to achieve more success in ...Read More

A "Stuck on the Expressway" Marketing Lesson

While driving on the crowded Chicago expressway system the traffic slowed, then crawled, and finally stopped. I was stranded, moving ten feet and stop, another ten feet and stop, again and again. I found myself stuck behind a brightly painted U-Haul ...Read More

Best Jobs for Felons – Your Paycheck Is Waiting at These Jobs for Felons

Finding jobs for felons has always been a hard road. Due to the slowdown of the economy it’s proving even more difficult to find jobs for felons this year and those guys in the white house don’t seem to be helping. ...Read More

The Open, Hook and Close – Sample Realtor Video Marketing Script Ideas

Realtors choosing to take the plunge and opt to have a high definition video created about them can struggle when trying to develop their agent marketing script. A promotional video is one tool that can help create an immediate impact on ...Read More

Abiding By The Rules Of Driving

There are a lot of rules that a driver needs to learn about and abide by. Even if you are an expert driver, you need to stick to the rules set by the government while driving. These rules are mainly related ...Read More