Tag Archives: affiliate marketing

Crowd-Funding May Not Be the Best Way to Finance Your Business

It began with the passage on April 5, 2012, of the JOBS Act, officially known as the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act. No, not the concept of crowd-funding. That’s been around for several years, thanks largely to Kickstarter. I’m talking about ...Read More

What is the Difference Between Blogging and Facebooking?

There seems to be a lot of overlap between what you might put on Facebook versus what you might put in a blog. They can both be personal. They can both contain your personal experiences and ideas, what you are doing ...Read More

Affiliate Request Denied – What To Do Next

Waiting For Approval

You take the time to find a half-decent product to promote on JVZoo or WarriorPlus, you check it out, look at the sales page and statistics, request approval and then you wait.

Affiliate Status Below:

Eventually you get that long-awaited email that informs you: ...Read More

My Personal Testimonies of the Power of Gratitude and Attracting Wealth and Abundance

My Sequel Post about How the Power of Gratitude can Work for Attracting Wealth and Abundance…

Since my last post about attracting wealth and abundance through the power of gratitude, I have been blessed with a lot of good things, which of ...Read More

5 Tips for Successful Digital Marketing

According to the latest research report by eMarketer, the ads spending on the internet will run circles around TV ads in 2017 for the first time. According to estimates, companies will spend about $72 billion on TV ads. On the other ...Read More

7 Top Tips to Car Salesman’s Or Saleswoman’s Success

Given that car sales account for 19% of total U.S. sales in 2000 (source: U.S. Small Business Administration), a lot of people are buying cars which mean that are a lot of people selling cars. Additionally, new car sales have dropped ...Read More

LOHAS and ZOOMERS – Market Segments You Need to Know

Demographics, everyone is trying to understand them. Marketers use demographics to explain who their audience is, and why their customers are buying what they are buying. Usually those demographics are Gen X, Gen Y, Baby Boomers, and the traditional age demographics 18-24, 25-34, and so ...Read More

High Ticket Income Within Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Strategy is a perfect way to get to sell high ticket products. What are High Ticket products? High Ticket products are the products that give you 4 – 5 figure commission per sale. Selling High Ticket Affiliate Products will ...Read More

How to Make $300 Per Day Online

In this article I am going to show you how to make $300 per day online using a simple 3 step process. Follow my blueprint and watch your income grow. It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie, I’ve got the ...Read More

How to Reactivate Former Clients

One day a few years ago, while relaxing in the coffee shop, I noticed they were having the windows cleaned, reminding me of my dirty windows at home. So I walked outside, gave my business card to the window cleaner and asked him to call ...Read More