My Push Button Profits Review – Online Business Opportunity Review

My Push Button Profits created by successful Internet marketer Jack Henderson is an online business opportunity based in the affiliate business industry. So can you truly create a substantial income online with this opportunity? Here is a simple review.

My Push Button Profits is an online business opportunity based in the affiliate industry particularly around ClickBank. ClickBank is one of the largest affiliate based retailers on the Internet to date and some have truly found success with it. The cost of this opportunity with the MPBP program is a mere $77 dollars and a so-called savings of the original $197.

The program consists of three simple steps to claim yourself a massive income online which are; creating a website in just a few clicks, choose from the many products from ClickBank to sell on your site and finally promote your site on the Traffic Wizard platform built in for members only. While this all seems simple enough for those of us who have found at least some success online understand that business opportunities like this do seem to understate the actual work involved.

Affiliate marketing online is lucrative, but only for those who truly know how brand themselves online through solid Internet marketing strategies and platforms. Affiliate marketing for the most part involves a small percentage of commission on each sale which will require a constant stream of prospects and or, traffic. Marketing through the members only traffic exchange will mean marketing products to those marketing more or less the same products.

My Push Button Profits is a legitimate online business opportunity that some will find success with for sure, but the fact remains that nearly 97% of online business owners and marketers fail within their first year. Failure with your online business can be minimized however through solid Internet marketing training, 1-on-1 mentoring and coaching as well as the willingness to not quit and apply massive action.

Source by David James Boozer