One skill that most people need to get better at is knowing how to edify your network marketing leaders. Edification is essential to you building a team that respects and cares for each other. What is edification, you ask?
Edification is when you say positive things about people that have went before you in your industry. These leaders have set the standard for the rest of us so we should respect them by acknowledging what they have accomplished.
To many times I have been to meetings and somebody there is saying negative stuff about the business or the leaders. If you are building a network marketing team you don’t have time to tear people down. You should always be lifting others up.
There are three network marketing leaders that I want to talk about here. Brian Fanale,Norbert Orlewicz, and Todd Schlomer; the creators of MyLeadSystemPro, have become Internet marketing rock stars. They paid their dues in the beginning and then they teamed up to create one of the fastest growing systems on the Internet.
I had a realization the other day about MLSP. I have been a member for about a year. I was constantly trying to figure out how to make money with Internet marketing and network marketing. Finally, I woke up and realized that everything I need to build a successful marketing business is inside of MLSP.
Let me share a story with you. One day I was trying to figure out how to improve my blog. I logged onto MLSP and went into my back office to see if there was training on improving a blog. I found not just one training, but multiple webinars on how to make your blog shine.
This has happened to me more than once with MLSP. This system has everything you need to take your business into the next stratosphere.
Before I wrap this up I want to give you a simple formula on how to edify network marketing leaders. Edification formula is:
#1 – Always say positive things about leadership in your company.
#2 – Acknowledge what they have already accomplished (give a brief summary of their resume)
#3 – Teach your team to do the same.
Here is an example of how that would go at a live meeting:
Introducing Leader to Prospect (we’ll call him Bob) – “Bob I want to introduce you to a phenomenal leader in our company. Bob this is (name). (Leader Name) this is Bob. (Leader Name) has built multiple businesses and has taught 1,000′s of people how to get their lives back and be successful. He can answer all your questions.
(**Key: Then you shut up and let the leader take it from there.)
Source by Kenny Perkins