So there’s yet another network marketing company getting ready to launch over the next few days that is getting some buzz. The Nevada-based company is called Micore International, and it certainly seems like they are the first company in the industry to market hair. Yes, you read that right. Micore International is a network marketing company that sells hair, not hair products or hair care products, but hair extensions. Now, if you’ve stumbled upon this article, chances are you’re thinking about joining, and you’re doing some research so you can make an educated decision before jumping in. If that’s the case, I want to encourage you to read this review so you can get a better idea of whether or not Micore International is a good opportunity. Before I go on, I will say that I am NOT personally involved with Micore International as a distributor or a customer, so you can be sure that you’ll be getting an unbiased perspective of the company.
Micore International Review – Who Is Micore And What Do They Sell?
As I mentioned earlier, Micore International is a network marketing company that’s currently in pre-launch. It was Co-Founded by London Whitted and Derrick Alexander, two businessmen that have solid track records in business. Simply put, the company sells various types of hair extensions. From a business standpoint, the hair industry is a big industry and is a lucrative one. Also from a business standpoint, the fact that no other network marketing company is competing with Micore is a plus. Overall, it looks like the company has some experienced people at the helm, which is also a big plus, especially if you’re thinking about becoming a distributor.
Micore International Review – How Do You Get Paid?
The company’s compensation plan provides 7 ways to get paid. There are ways to get paid upfront like Retail Commissions for personally selling the products and Fast Start Product Pack commissions when you enroll new people into your team. And there are ways to build long-term income, like the 4X5 Matrix Commissions, the Team Commissions and the Matching Bonus. In addition, there are rewards for top producers including the Points Program and the Rank Advancement Bonuses. Overall, the compensation plan looks solid and once can certainly make money as a distributor.
Micore International Review – Is It A Good Opportunity?
So is Micore a good business to get involved with. From a business standpoint, it has a product with no competition in the home business arena and a solid compensation plan. With that said, it is a start-up company so there is some risk involved. Of course, with “risk” comes the upside potential of being the first to market. Also, the product is catered to mostly females so you’ll be missing out on the male population as potential customers. Of course, the same could be said for skin care and cosmetic companies, and yet some of the biggest companies in the industry are skin care companies. The biggest thing you need to consider is: Can you get excited about promoting and selling their hair extension products? If the answer is “Yes”, then Micore International might be exactly what you’re looking for, especially if joining a company when it is in it’s early stages excites you. Aside from being excited about the products, the biggest factor to your overall success will be your ability to sponsor new people and get customers consistently. I recommend including Attraction Marketing into your business so you can learn how to get a steady flow of leads into your business. If you can position yourself in a way that you can consistently have new leads for your business daily, there’s no telling how prosperous you can be.
Source by Jaime Soriano