In this article we address some problems affecting struggling online internet affiliate marketers whom until now don’t know how to make their business profitable. Likewise this could be a good reading for those fellows sitting in an office cubicle dreaming about initiating as a business entrepreneurs. If you feel like you are that person please keep reading.
So, are you ready to break free from your history of struggles and failures in the internet marketing arena? Sure you are… because nobody wants to stay there.
And let me share with you what I know by experience, real painful times, not having something to show to our dear ones: family and friends, for all the efforts spent every day chasing friends and family without tangible results.
Not being able to bring food to the table and facing some long faces at the end of the day is something that you don’t deserve in your family life.
And it does not ends there because the dreams and hopes for better times are still in our hearts: What about the good family vacation, the new house, the old car which is telling us it is time for a change, savings for future kid’s education. Then it is not surprise at all that we start…
Looking for God at the corners to make ends meet every month when the bills arrive and pile up… And for the ones that have been there, me included… we know what it means.
Not being focused… and hopping from one offer to another… not knowing where to go… feeling stuck, overwhelmed by boatloads of information… with Not Sales… and Not Traffic at all.
Just feeling terrified by the most basic things you should know if you intend to be a qualified internet online expert marketer knowing all the ropes in and out of the internet online marketing business which means you should command at least some good basic knowledge about integrated sales funnels that show good whole consistency of capture page , follow-up mails, offer, thank you page and so on.
Moreover you should know where to look for targeted traffic – what is working and what not-Knowing the difference between the basic principles and strategies that shall always work and the tactics that work for short periods of time to later fade away and lose effectiveness.
But thanks God not all is lost… and please let me share what I learned during all those years of pain…
And as is written all bad things and unpleasant experiences that happens in our life could be turned out into something good
Yes… during all these years of spiritual, physical and financial recovering I went through a deep introspective analysis in order to determine where my own weak zones or where my zone of comfort has not let me go forward and dare to take action and succeed in the online internet marketing arena or online web marketing if you prefer so.
To make it easier to understand, I will give the 7 things that in my opinion had the mayor impact in my frustrating results. I truly hope that at least one of these points can be revealing of the main cause of your struggles:
Let’s start
1 Hopping between shiny objects without any focus. This only fact seems to be the most distracting and disrupting cause for most of the failure of so many internet online marketing entrepreneurs.
2 Drowning in boatloads of information. Buying information without any end purpose is a sure recipe for disaster, information alone is not enough. You need to take action with the info available and measure and monitor your results in order to know if it is working or not.
3 Lack of focus and spreading out too thin without the proper experience going into too many projects and no finishing any one of them.
4 Lack of basic tech skills to manage by yourself all the requirements to start a web business and cover all the basic aspects like copy writing, website design, capture page, thank you pages, offers, graphic design and so on… but do not freak out because in a few moments you will be covered…
5 Not having the faintest idea of how creating and building a list of responsive targeted members. Lack of rapport with your member’s list. Not having the communication skills required to communicate with your list and many other persons in your online marketing web business.
6 Not having the right kind of tools and resources that allow you manage effectively your online web business.
7 And now the worst of all the weakness, we have suffered along all those years of pains: Not having quality mentorship that have helped us in our best interest in spite of our fears and lack of action to be a successful web business entrepreneur And now before closing I want to call your attention to my site name, where I integrated into the title the words “heart and hands” to serve you… and let me tell you that it is part of a conviction to serve you in your best interest… thus, and I take the opportunity to invite you to watch a Jay Abraham YouTube video on the concept of preeminence strategy.
A high level concept and very important to have in mind by all online marketing business entrepreneurs who are creating successful businesses for the long run.
And together with all said above I want to say that it is time for all the pain and struggles to be left behind and looking for the right and high quality mentorship that can be obtained from the successful business owners who are making consistently six and seven figures per month.
But I want to cautioned you that quality mentorship is rather costly but is the solution to end the pain and struggles that have accompanied you for so long… and the sooner you do it the better for you and your loves ones… dare to go forward and succeed as you never has done before.
I promise You that my heart and hands will be available all the way to help you in your journey to the top.
If you feel that this message in some way… has resonated and has been of help I invite you to show some love by giving me some feed back and sharing it through the social media channels.
Additionally I will keep sharing all what I am right now learning by attending online training and mentorship programs so keep tuned by requesting your 10 day boot camp on attraction marketing the right way to build your list of targeted traffic and progressively start dominating your online business inside out. Heart and hands at your service…
Source by Carmelo Humphrey