3 Common Mistakes Made When Marketing on the Internet

When marketing on the internet there are 3 common mistakes that most all online entrepreneurs are guilty of from time to time. The mistakes we are going to discuss here today are not just unique to the typical start up entrepreneur. Even the most seasoned online marketers are guilty of some of these oversights or lapses that tend to decrease their marketing effectiveness. The lost sales opportunities that result from these lapses can be avoided by using a little more discipline and paying closer attention to certain details of your business.

Let’s look at 3 mistakes commonly committed by many online entrepreneurs that negatively affect their marketing effectiveness and shrink their profits.


Working online it is very easy to become distracted with emails, news or perhaps an innocent game here and there. The bottom line is you are using time that could be invested in your business. This is a habit many if not almost all are susceptible to either occasionally or frequently. Be conscious of how you use your time and have a definite plan or goal every time you are starting up your computer. Once your system has booted up you should set out IMMEDIATELY to complete those business tasks you have targeted.

Ignoring Trends and Opportunities

Upon entering any niche a certain amount of research is always conducted to recognize and identify trends, strengths, weaknesses and other areas of opportunity. Be aware that in order to maximize your own efforts and the profit potential of the niche you need to conduct this type research more than just one time. By doing so you will be able to take advantage of any new opportunities as they appear.

Staying on top of a niche like this will also help you to recognize when to back out any opportunities you may be currently involved in that show a downward trend.

Lack of Business Blueprint

Performing several tasks at ‘break-neck’ speed is impressive but you do need to have a ‘master plan’ to pull all these efforts together. If all these efforts and/or completed tasks do not come together in some type of cohesive fashion much time, energy and likely money will be lost.

Know in advance what it is you have got to do to reach your final goal and how much time and effort you need to devote to the singular tasks that are involved. Working out a schedule of your planned activities in advance should help maximize your efforts and increase your marketing effectiveness.

3 common mistakes that tend to affect many online entrepreneurs marketing on the internet are not all necessarily related to a lack of experience. Whether you are a start up entrepreneur or not there are certain errors or lapses that everyone tends to make from time to time. In most cases these errors result in the loss of your marketing effectiveness and therefore lost sales. As we discussed above you can see how some of these lapses are due to simply losing focus or discipline. By becoming more aware these potential pitfalls to your efforts and business you are now in a better position to avoid them in the future.

Source by TJ Philpott